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Did you know...

...there are about 27,000 students on campus at UMD at any given time.

...about 1/3 of that population consists of transfer students.

...historically, transfer students do poorly academically during their first semesters at UMD.


Transfers go through A LOT:

  • Credits that do NOT transfer

  • Crazy adjustment period

  • Feelings of lack of socialization/support

  • Unfamiliarity with campus resources




The Transfer2Terp Student Organization is a supportive transfer community focused on succeeding in and out of the classroom and improving the transfer student experience at the University of Maryland, College Park.

In other words, we strive to make transfer students' lives happier and enjoyable. We give provide support, encouragement, opportunities and a little hug here and there. We are T2T and we welcome you, so please, feel free to come to a meeting, an event or whatever you can attend. We know what it's like to transfer, so we can lend you the help you need!


"Being a member of Transfer2 Terp has given me the opportunity to join into a great group of people, who have helped my transition into the campus community."

-Bryan Wetstone


"T2T changed my life"

-Jenny Geiger

"Transfer2Terp has helped me come out of my comfort zone and make many new, cool friends. I feel like I have a place where I really belong at Maryland with this awesome, inclusive club. It made the transition seamless!"

-Anna Campanile

Past Events and Activities



3 Days at an awesome resort with a waterpark, go-carts and a lot more! Any members that wanted to could join in on the fun filled days!

Maryland Day


We had a table and shared the information of the T2T Student Oranization with anyone interested.

T2T End of Year Celebration


We celebrated the end of the fall semester with a masquerade and formal dress party. A good time was had by all!

Terp Zone Parties


Often during the semester we will have parties at TerpZone for the transfer community.  Bowling, pool and pizza FTW!


Student Organization

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